Hello everyone,
I am trying to estimate the following structural model
sem (ln_gdp <- ln_k ln_hc ln_mob_bb_cap ln_shock) (ln_mob_bb_cap <- ln_popr ln_gdppc ln_pd ln_hhi_bb) (ln_rev_mob_cap <- ln_pd ln_gdppc ln_hhi_bb ) (dln_mob_bb_cap = ln_rev_mob_cap), cov(e.ln_mob_bb_cap*e.ln_gdp e.ln_rev_mob_cap*e.ln_mob_bb_cap e.dln_mob_bb_cap*e.ln_rev_mob_cap e.dln_mob_bb_cap*e.ln_gdp) nolog nocons
I keep getting the message that convergence not achieved. Also, two of the standard errors are not reported.
I am not sure what is the problem and how to overcome it. Please see below for results.
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