Array [ATTACH]temp_13070_1547246705490_155[/ATTACH] Array [ATTACH]temp_13071_1547246726877_339[/ATTACH] Array [ATTACH]temp_13073_1547246747080_825[/ATTACH]

Dear Stata Users,

This might be a really easy question for some of you to answer but I'm relatively new to this software. I plotted the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelations of the first difference of real GDP but can't seem to make up what the picture is trying to illustrate. I find it weird that there are random spikes appearing out of the confidence bands and am not too sure as to how to interpret it. Secondly, I'm trying to explore the relationship between oil price movements and real gdp and have plotted a line graph. However, again, from the graph, it is extremely challenging to spot for some sort of pattern or trend. I wanted to ask if there is any way of making the graph clearer so that I can try to explore a relationship? Thank you.

Array Array Array