Hi all! This is my first post here, and I am a complete Stata beginner, so please be patient. I have read through the FAQs!
I have searched for some answers to my questions in various places (here, stackoverflow) and nothing fits my situation to the extent that I've been able to make it work on my own.

If any of you are familiar with the NIH toolbox (app or Assessment Centre), please chime in, however knowledge of the system is not necessary.

I need to reshape from long to wide as each row is a different instrument for the same participant, and I would like one row per participant, with each assessment following the other. I've seen some people say that i'll want to switch back later, however I will be taking some (not all) of the variables in this file and adding them to our master dataset, which is wide, so I don't want to do that.

Here is a shortened fake dataset to show what my data would look like.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str12(ID assessmentname) str71 inst byte rawscore float theta byte tscore float se byte itmcnt str15 datefinished byte column1 float computedscore byte uncorrectedstandardscore int agecorrectedstandardscore byte nationalpercentileageadjusted
"00001000-A01" "Assessment 1" "NIH Toolbox Picture Vocabulary Test Age 3+ v2.0"                          . -1.906 . .481 20 "10/2/2018 16:27" .    . 73 128 97
"00001000-A01" "Assessment 1" "NIH Toolbox Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Test Ages 3-7 v2.1" 17      . .    . 24 "10/2/2018 16:33" . 2.13 38  99 47
"00001000-A01" "Assessment 1" "NIH Toolbox Dimensional Change Card Sort Test Ages 3-7 v2.1"             32      . .    . 48 "10/2/2018 16:41" .    4 67 115 84
"00001000-A01" "Assessment 1" "Cognition Early Childhood Composite v1.1"                                 .      . .    .  . ""                .    . 50 114 82
I have tried using reshape as per the following code, first importing the csv with quote stripping OFF and quote binding loose (though I'm honestly still not too sure what those do)
reshape wide inst rawscore theta tscore se itmcnt datefinished computedscore uncorrectedstandardscore agecorrectedstandardscore nationalpercentileageadjusted i(ID) j(inst) string
And it gives me this (though it does technically do the reshape, just missing many variables)
NOTE: The actually output is much longer, I cut it for simplicity,the cut lines denoted by the ellipses are essentially another each other word from the instrument names

(note: j = Anxiety Summary Parent Report (3-7) Cognition Early Childhood Composite v1.1 NIH Too
> lbox Anger Parent Report FF Ages 3-7 v2.0 NIH Toolbox Dimensional Change Card Sort Test Ages
> 3-7 v2.1 NIH Toolbox Empathic Behaviors Parent Report CAT Ages 3-12 v2.0 NIH Toolbox Fear-Ove
> r Anxious Parent Report FF Ages 3-7 v2.0 NIH Toolbox Fear-Separation Anxiety Parent Report FF
> Ages 3-7 v2.0 NIH Toolbox Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Test Ages 3-7 v2.1 NIH To
> olbox General Life Satisfaction Parent Report FF Ages 3-12 v2.0 NIH Toolbox Peer Rejection Pa
> rent Report FF Ages 3-12 v2.0 NIH Toolbox Picture Sequence Memory Test Ages 3-4 Form A v2.1 N
> IH Toolbox Picture Vocabulary Test Age 3+ v2.0 NIH Toolbox Positive Affect Parent Report CAT
> Ages 3-7 v2.0 NIH Toolbox Positive Peer Interaction Parent Report FF Ages 3-12 v2.0 NIH Toolb
> ox Sadness Parent Report FF Ages 3-7 v2.0 NIH Toolbox Social Withdrawal Parent Report FF Ages
> 3-12 v2.0 Negative Psychosocial Functioning Parent Report Summary (3-7) Psychological Well B
> eing Parent Report Summary (3-7))
(note: no data for inst == Anxiety)
(note: no data for inst == Summary)
(note: no data for inst == Parent)
(note: no data for inst == Report)


Data long -> wide
Number of obs. 18 -> 1
Number of variables 28 -> 11
j variable (0 values) inst -> (dropped)
xij variables:
inst -> instAnxiety instSummary ... inst(3-7)
rawscore -> rawscoreAnxiety rawscoreSummary ... rawscore(3-7)
theta -> thetaAnxiety thetaSummary ... theta(3-7)
tscore -> tscoreAnxiety tscoreSummary ... tscore(3-7)
se -> seAnxiety seSummary ... se(3-7)
itmcnt -> itmcntAnxiety itmcntSummary ... itmcnt(3-7)
datefinished -> datefinishedAnxiety datefinishedSummary ... datefinished(3-7)
computedscore -> computedscoreAnxiety computedscoreSummary ... computedscore(3-7)

Here is the new dataset

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str12(pin assessmentname) byte column1
"00001000-A01" "Assessment 1" .

I'm really not sure how to get it to reshape properly, given that the instrument (inst) names are so long. I can change the names to something simpler once all of the observations are in my master set but doing it here I think would be too bothersome...feel free to comment on that. I'm kind of wondering if thats the only easy way to fix it. In that case I would have to write some kind of looping code that I could feed the files into that would automatically apply those changes, as I will have hundreds of these files.

I hope I wrote this question correctly, but it is my first time so if you have any comments on how to improve please let me know. I've rewritten this thing like twelve times and I'm just lost.

Many thanks!