
i am using STATA 16 and i am trying to calculate median survival with the stci command.
i can calculate median surival time, Std. Err and the lower bound of the 95% Conf. Intervall, but somehow it does not give me the upper bound of the confidence intervall.

  1. stset enddate, failure (ReasonEarlyTerm==5) enter(DiagnosisDate) origin(DiagnosisDate) scale (30.5)
  2. stci, by (HivStat) p(50)

Why is the output not providing the upper bound of the confidence interval?

Greatful for any help!

ps: i found an old thread regarding this topic from 2007, but still do not understand the matter or how to find a solution https://www.stata.com/statalist/arch.../msg00701.html