Hello everyone,

I was talking to my supervisor and he asked me to do a Wilxoxon ranksum test for my dataset. He wants to see that my datasets are not identical and show differences.

My dataset looks as following: I do have 3 countries which are actually run one by one and are not combined into one dataset. Now I did combine dataset one with dataset two and run the ranksum test by using the following code:

ranksum zfund, by(country)
HTML Code:
Two-sample Wilcoxon rank-sum (Mann-Whitney) test

country       obs    rank sum    expected

1      4291    13414650    13261336
2      1889     5684640   5837954.5

combined      6180    19099290    19099290

unadjusted variance   4.175e+09
adjustment for ties  -463574.07

adjusted variance     4.175e+09

Ho: zfund(country==1) = zfund(country==2)
z =   2.373
Prob > z =   0.0177
My zfund is my independent variable which indicates my investment volume which is different for each country and time. However, I am confused about the Prob > z = 0.0177 does this not mean that my datasets are similar?
