Hi all,

Can someone assist with plotting an hbar for detection limits of different concentrations (dataex below).

I tried using the following code to no avail: graph hbar lod, over(expt_) over(expt)

The experiments (a,b,c) are repeated twice (before&after) and my concentrations are (200, 20, 2, 0.5, 0.25 and 0.125). I would like the detection limits "x-axis" to be inverted and appear as is (e.g not the mean etc).

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str4 expt str2 expt_ float lod
"Pre"  "a"   20
"Pre"  "b"   20
"Pre"  "c"    2
"Post" "a" .125
"Post" "b"   .5
"Post" "c" .125