The latest version of table1_mc is now available to download on SSC.
. search table1_mc
The main alteration is the addition of the statistic option, allowing the value of the test statistic to also be reported:
. sysuse auto, clear
. generate much_headroom = (headroom>=3)
. table1_mc, by(foreign) vars(weight contn %5.0f \ price contln %5.0f %4.2f \ mpg conts %5.0f \ rep78 cate \ much_headroom bin) onecol test statistic 

  | factor               N_0   N_1   m_0   m_1 |
  | Weight (lbs.)         52    22     0     0 |
  | Price                 52    22     0     0 |
  | Mileage (mpg)         52    22     0     0 |
  | Repair record 1978    48    21     4     1 |
  | much_headroom         52    22     0     0 |
   N_ ... #records used below,   m_ ... #records not used
  |                      Domestic        Foreign         Test                       Statistic        p-value |
  |                      N=52            N=22                                                                |
  | Weight (lbs.)        3317 (695)      2316 (433)      Ind. t test                t(72)=  6.25     <0.001  |
  | Price                5534 (×/1.50)   5959 (×/1.44)   Ind. t test, logged data   t(72)= -0.74      0.46   |
  | Mileage (mpg)        19 (17-22)      25 (21-28)      Wilcoxon rank-sum          Z= -3.10          0.002  |
  | Repair record 1978                                   Fisher's exact             N/A              <0.001  |
  |    1                 2 ( 4%)         0 ( 0%)                                                             |
  |    2                 8 (17%)         0 ( 0%)                                                             |
  |    3                 27 (56%)        3 (14%)                                                             |
  |    4                 9 (19%)         9 (43%)                                                             |
  |    5                 2 ( 4%)         9 (43%)                                                             |
  | much_headroom        35 (67%)        8 (36%)         Chi-square                 Chi2(1)=  6.08    0.014  |
Data are presented as mean (SD) or geometric mean (×/geometric SD) or median (IQR) for continuous measures, and n (%) for categorical measures.