Hello everyone. After using one of the dfmethod() options for -mixed- to obtain small-sample inference, I see t-tests on the coefficients and an F-test for the overall model, as expected. But when I follow up with a -margins- command, I see z-tests on the fitted values and CIs that have been computed using the critical z-value rather than the critical t-value. A bit of digging led me to one of Joseph Coveney's old posts from which I learned about the small option for -contrast-. But as far as I can tell, there is no similar option for -margins- following -mixed-. I hope I am wrong about that, and that someone can show me how to get t-tests in the -margins- output. I've pasted below code for a variation on Example 13 in the documentation. And I am using Stata 16 (for Windows), by the way.


// Example 13 in documentation for -mixed-.
use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r16/t43
// Use dfemethod(repeated) option to show t-and F-tests
// rather than z- and Chi-square tests
mixed score i.drug || person:, reml dfmethod(repeated)
// Replaying the model will show the default large-sample
// z and Chi-square tests
// The -contrast- command has a small option:
contrast drug
contrast drug, small
// But apparently, -margins- does not have a small option:
margins drug
*margins drug, small
// The previous line is commented out because it causes an error.
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Q. Is there an option to make -margins- show t-tests
// and CIs computed with critical t-values?  
// ----------------------------------------------------