I am trying to label names to ethics in my dataset A, so far I've collected all the names in my data and containing surnames in such format:

company Names
aaa jacky liu jenny xia
bbb benny chong alice wong
ccc ben chua larry Tse

What I can do is gen ethics = "Cantonese" if strpos(Names,"WONG""TSE"), and so on to generate a new variable to label each company. But I have another dataset B about all the surnames in different ethics. So I want to import that dataset to do it, then I don't need to manually type all the surnames in the strpos. What can I do?

The format of the separate dataset for all the surnames is in this format:

Mandarin Cantonese Hokkien ....
xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx

so the xxx represents each surname that may contain in the first dataset A.