I did a search in Stata, in the help stata command on 'did2s' and try to run their first example (see below). I get an error. I am not sure if there is a problem on my end (maybe my STATA 15.1 is too old and doesn't run it because of this) or is the problem something else. The error I get is nboot() not allowed.

The code I run is:

use https://github.com/kylebutts/did2s_s...ata/df_hom.dta, clear

did2s dep_var, first_stage(i.unit i.year) second_stage(i.rel_year_shift) treatment(treat) cluster(state) nboot(10)

I am ultimately trying to find code that allows me to bootstrap with did2s. I've tried other code as well, but I get an error that says repeated time values within panel. When I check 'duplicates list month_year state', I don't find duplicates.

Any help on bootstrapping with did2s would be appreciated.