I'm working in a project with many collaborators, all of which have Stata version 15. We use the dyndoc command to generate the documentation of our datasets, but need the documentation to be .md instead of .html (default in dyndoc), so it's all easily displayed and linked in Github, which we use to maintain the project.

Currently, the solution is to call Pandoc after every dyndoc to convert from .html to .md (see mock code). The downside is that it requires that every user installs Pandoc and points it is in Stata, which is not a trivial task for all our collaborators.

* Copy the example files from the official dyndoc documentation to my path
global mypath "C:/Users/JohnDoe/Desktop/dyndoctest"
foreach file in dyndoc_ex.txt header.txt stmarkdown.css {
    copy "http://www.stata-press.com/data/r15/markdown/`file'" "${mypath}/`file'", replace

* Generates the same html output as found in http://www.stata-press.com/data/r15/markdown/dyndoc_ex.html
cd "${mypath}"
dyndoc dyndoc_ex.txt, saving(dyndoc_output.html) replace

* What I have been doing is to convert this html into md using pandoc
* but the user must have installed pandoc.exe in his computer for this to work
local  whereispandoc "C:/Users/JohnDoe/Pandoc/pandoc"
local  pandoc_cmd    "`whereispandoc' ${mypath}/dyndoc_output.html -f html -t markdown -s -o ${mypath}/dyndoc_output.md"
shell `pandoc_cmd'
Given that there is a markdown command in Stata 15, I suspect that there must be a better way to do this from within Stata, without having to resort to Pandoc. But looking at the dyndoc and markdown ados in the base folder I could not figure out how... Any suggestions?

Thanks for any advice!