A treatment was implemented in two steps, represented by dummies euxeupsd2 and euxeupsd2xnpsd2. I want to know the effect of each of these over my sample. I have panel data from 8 countries spanning 12 years. Besides the two indicator treatment variables, I control for other seven variables, all time-fixed.
Since the outcome is count data, I tried using xtpoisson, xtnbreg and ppml.
I ask:
- Which of the three specifications would be more adequate in this case?
- Should i perform the Reset test?
- I keep having collinearity issues with sandbox, which is a dummy control variable. Why is it so?
The specifications I have tried:
xtpoisson piauth internet lngdp lnpop cell dobusiness payments cardsissued euxeupsd2 euxeupsd2xnpsd2 sandbox xtpoisson piauth internet lngdp lnpop cell dobusiness payments cardsissued euxeupsd2 euxeupsd2xnpsd2 sandbox, fe xtnbreg piauth internet lngdp lnpop cell dobusiness payments cardsissued euxeupsd2 euxeupsd2xnpsd2 sandbox xtnbreg piauth internet lngdp lnpop cell dobusiness payments cardsissued euxeupsd2 euxeupsd2xnpsd2 sandbox, fe ppml piauth internet lngdp lnpop cell dobusiness payments cardsissued euxeupsd2 euxeupsd2xnpsd2 sandbox
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input byte piauth int year long n_country double internet float(lnpop lngdp) double cell int dobusiness double(payments cardsissued) byte(sandbox eu euxeupsd2 euxeupsd2xnpsd2) 0 2010 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 0 2010 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 0 0 0 2010 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 0 0 2 2010 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 0 0 0 2010 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 0 0 0 2010 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 0 0 0 2010 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 0 0 0 2010 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 0 0 0 2011 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 0 2011 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 0 0 0 2011 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 0 0 6 2011 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 0 0 0 2011 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 0 0 10 2011 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 0 0 0 2011 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 0 0 0 2011 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 0 0 0 2012 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 0 2012 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 0 0 0 2012 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 0 0 3 2012 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 0 0 0 2012 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 0 0 7 2012 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 0 0 0 2012 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 0 0 0 2012 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 0 0 0 2013 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 0 2013 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 0 0 0 2013 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 0 0 2 2013 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 0 0 0 2013 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 0 0 1 2013 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 0 0 0 2013 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 0 0 0 2013 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 0 0 0 2014 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 0 2014 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 0 0 0 2014 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 0 0 18 2014 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 0 0 0 2014 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 0 0 1 2014 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 0 0 0 2014 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 0 0 0 2014 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 0 0 0 2015 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 0 2015 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 0 0 0 2015 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 0 0 2 2015 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 0 0 0 2015 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 0 0 0 2015 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 0 0 0 2015 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 0 0 0 2015 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 0 0 1 2016 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 0 2016 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 1 0 0 2016 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 1 0 3 2016 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 1 0 0 2016 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 1 0 1 2016 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 1 0 0 2016 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 1 0 0 2016 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 1 0 5 2017 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 0 2017 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 1 0 0 2017 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 1 0 3 2017 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 1 0 0 2017 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 1 0 2 2017 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 1 0 0 2017 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 1 0 0 2017 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 1 0 4 2018 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 36 2018 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 1 1 0 2018 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 1 0 7 2018 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 1 1 32 2018 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 1 1 6 2018 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 1 1 0 2018 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 1 0 0 2018 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 1 1 9 2019 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 24 2019 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 1 1 46 2019 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 1 1 12 2019 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 1 1 3 2019 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 1 1 6 2019 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 1 1 47 2019 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 1 1 38 2019 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 1 1 7 2020 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 7 2020 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 1 1 6 2020 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 1 1 4 2020 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 1 1 5 2020 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 1 1 5 2020 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 1 1 12 2020 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 1 1 7 2020 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 1 1 2 2021 1 67.47128452 19.1676 28.240656 95.71653293 124 98.60858060108328 1.6527291103571153 0 0 0 0 2 2021 2 84.3941537 18.23595 28.98198 128.3570318 22 155.09448924004104 .05670491137920185 0 1 1 1 1 2021 3 84.6022457 17.66729 27.962833 118.4398 30 231.49567087010473 .08207141435604953 0 1 1 1 0 2021 4 80.50245972 18.021097 28.630005 110.6100121 32 418.3005110044399 .15092475476434966 0 1 1 1 1 2021 5 63.077347 17.914799 28.325954 131.2645046 58 148.33144701638525 .04098021082038103 0 1 1 1 0 2021 6 77.61525651 14.84042 24.7238 168.8207501 11 163.87426063317503 .13072242292715344 1 1 1 1 3 2021 7 93.19727891 16.668114 27.533464 127.2845209 42 624.0236891221004 .2815434276532711 1 1 1 1 3 2021 8 93.00626697 16.14624 26.99781 128.4911022 10 53.182645431367966 .29886712816635297 0 1 1 1 end label values n_country n_country label def n_country 1 "br", modify label def n_country 2 "de", modify label def n_country 3 "es", modify label def n_country 4 "fr", modify label def n_country 5 "it", modify label def n_country 6 "lt", modify label def n_country 7 "nl", modify label def n_country 8 "sv", modify
Marcel Beer Kremnitzer
Stata/SE 16.1
0 Response to Panel data, DiD with count data
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