Hi All,

I want to merge some datasets with my main data set but the structure of the datasets differ, which make merging impossible in the current structure.

My main data looks like:

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str18 county str3 company int year
"1" "a" 2000
"1" "a" 2001
"1" "a" 2002
"1" "a" 2003
"1" "b" 1981
"1" "b" 1982
"1" "b" 1983
"2" "c" 1991
"2" "c" 1992
"2" "c" 1993
"2" "c" 1994
"2" "c" 1995
"2" "c" 1996
""  ""     .
""  ""     .
""  ""     .

The data sets that I want to merge are in table form and look like:

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str18 county double y1980 float(y1981 y1982 y1983 y1984)
"1" 31.15 31.35 31.61 31.84 32.07
"2" 33.86  34.2 34.59 34.93 35.25
"3" 33.91 34.03  34.2 34.33 34.47
"4" 33.23 33.34 33.51 33.62 33.76
"5" 33.91 34.11 34.36 34.57 34.79
"6" 34.12 34.16 34.32  34.4 34.45

Is it possible to directly merge these data sets or do i need to change the layout of the latter first? If so, which function provides the solution for this?

