Dear Statalist

I ran logistic regression on an AMI (acute myocardial infarction) dataset of 9 variables using Stata version 14.2. Following is the multivariable adjusted model, query is mentioned right below the table.

logistic mortality i.Gender age_10 ib(2).AMI_type ib(0).Diabetes ib(0).dyslipidemia_1 ib(0).Hypertension Discharge_Year ib(0).PTCAPCI c.age_10#Gender b(2).AMI_type#Gender

Logistic regression Number of obs = 11,673
LR chi2(10) = 672.86
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log likelihood = -3355.4983 Pseudo R2 = 0.0911

mortality Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>z [95% Conf. Interval]

Female 3.306906 1.418547 2.79 0.005 1.426547 7.665802
age_10 1.591416 .0581228 12.72 0.000 1.481479 1.709511

STEMI 2.462539 .2253916 9.85 0.000 2.058137 2.946402

Yes 1.258716 .0857974 3.38 0.001 1.101305 1.438626

Yes .3368114 .0333947 -10.98 0.000 .2773259 .4090564

Yes .9556454 .0715644 -0.61 0.545 .8251896 1.106725
Discharge_Year .9769054 .0059796 -3.82 0.000 .9652556 .9886958

Yes .4894141 .0390456 -8.96 0.000 .4185694 .5722497

Female .842007 .0506165 -2.86 0.004 .748422 .9472942

STEMI#Female 1.393794 .1925035 2.40 0.016 1.063249 1.827099

_cons 1.12e+18 1.38e+19 3.38 0.001 3.91e+07 3.21e+28

Can someone please guide how can I obtain the Odds ratio for interaction terms separately for Male and Female. Its a very important query I am unable to find answer for my supervisor at work really wants me to find answer for this please can someone help. Thanks in advance