Hi, I have a question concerning the construction of tables using eststo and esttab and posting them in LaTex. My problem is that I have 6 models that I am running and they don't fit horizontally on a piece of paper, therefore, am trying to flip the table vertically. Does anybody know how I can solve it??

My intuition is that I should do something in the esttab command.

This is my code so fare.
eststo clear

eststo Fixed: xtreg y x1-x5, fe vce(cluster region)
estadd local fixed "Yes" , replace
estadd local controls "Yes" , replace

eststo CRE: xtreg y x1-x5 , re vce (cluster region)
estadd local fixed "No" , replace
estadd local controls "No" , replace

eststo CRE_Fiexed_Effects: xtreg y x1-x5, re vce (cluster kommun_num)
estadd local fixed "Yes" , replace
estadd local controls "Yes" , replace
Three models more.

esttab using tutorial_auto_reg_1.tex, label replace booktabs title(Regression table\label{tab1}) p nodepvars s(fixed controls N, label("Fixed Effects" "Controls"))