
I am trying to do a Breusch-Pagan test to test for heteroscedasticity. I have to regression models with different dependent variables but with the same independent variables as follows

regress viol_crime_rate asylum_pop a8_pop lnpop benefit_claimants young_share
regress prop_crime_rate asylum_pop a8_pop lnpop benefit_claimants young_share
however, as I understand from youtube videos, that If one wants to check for heteroscedasticity, then one should only consider the idependent variable. Am I right? In this case, I should make just one test, since my independent variables are the same for both regression models, am I right?

estat hettest asylum_pop a8_pop lnpop benefit_claimants young_share
But I am really not sure If I understand it right. Is this true, that for my case, that I have to make just one test for both models because of the same independent variables? or should I make two tests, and how?

Thank you very much for your help.