Hi, I am writing my bachelor's thesis right now, and I am having difficulties with the predict command.. I have read all the manuals and "help" tab as well but I don't seem to get it right. My dataset is panel data for a time period of 2000-2019. I have appended the time period to 2025, but I don't seem to get how I can predict the gdp for future years. I only seem to get values for the years that I have data on all the explanatory variables, which is an issue since I am studying Kenya, and there is a lot of missing data... so I have two questions:

1. How do i predict the years of missing values in the explanatory variables? (For example, I have data for 2000-2007 but no data for 2008-2010, and then data exists until 2018 again. I need to fill in the blanks)

2. How do i predict future years of gdp? since I don't have any values for the explanatory variables during these future years as well..?

I hope that the explanation of my problem is not too unclear, english is not my first language..