Hi all,

I am using png2rtf module to add a graph file to a word file. All its ok but I have a problem when I add also a table to the same word file: graph dissapear and only the table exist in the word file. I am using asdoc to add a table to word file but I have the same Issue with estpost and esttab.

Example of my problem:

sysuse auto.dta, clear

cd "C:\Nueva carpeta"

hist mpg
graph export grafico.png, replace

png2rtf using graph.doc, g(grafico.png) append

*Here I add the table to the same word file but delete the graph.
asdoc sum mpg, save(graph.doc)

*I had the same problem with command below
*estpost sum mpg
*esttab using graph.doc, cells("count mean sd ") noobs nonumber collabels(N Media D.S.) title(Estadistica descriptiva ) append
Do you know what its the problem?
Thanks in advance