Hi, I have a question i would love some advice on, my goal is to compare the coefficients of two simple linear regression models (both using dichotomous exposures, continuous outcomes). These are both from the same dataset but will be different participants in each model because one is the total sample (2061) and one is the adjusted sample which is only complete cases (1439). My question is, can i compare these models only using the coefficients from each or will i have to conduct another form of analysis to statistically compare them (interaction effects?/ calculate expected p value/ power /effect size?).

Another question i have is about using simple linear regression with a continuous exposure, this will be a score from 1 to 5. I was wondering if it would be appropriate to use the i. command to see the coefficient with my outcome for each individual score in the dataset? I am expecting to see a dose response relationship between my exposure and outcome and wondered if this would be the best way to display that result or is a linear regression without the i. command doing the same thing?

Would appreciate any advice!