I'm using the eaalogit command by A. R. Hole ("A discrete choice model with endogenous attribute attendance", Economics Letters 110 (2011) 203–205) that estimates a discrete choice model in which the decision to consider an attribute in the choice process is modelled endogenously.
In the corresponding help file, the author provides a very practical method to retrieve the probability that a given attribute was (not) attended by repondents by the means of the following command after the estimation (probability of attribute non-attendance for attribute contract):
 nlcom (ANA_contract: invlogit(-[Gamma1]_cons))
However, all examples available assume that the model is specified without any variable in the zvars() option, meaning that no variable is indicated to model the non-attendance pattern.
I would like to retrieve the probability of non attendance as in the nlcom command above when one or more variables are specified in the zvars() option.

Thanks for your suggestions