Sum variables and division of the result
I would like to sum two variables of my sample and then divide these two results together. Finally I would like to export both sum and the result of the division.
I found a way for both sum but I do not find how to proceed for the division. I have the following code :
.estpost tabstat VARIABLE1 if year == 2008, statistics(sum)
.esttab, wide nonumber cell("sum(label(Total Variable1 in 2008))")
.mat II = e(sum)'
.estpost tabstat VARIABLE2 if year == 2008, statistics(sum)
.esttab, wide nonumber cell("sum(label(Total Variable2 in 2008))")
.mat JJ = e(sum)'
.putexcel set "name.xlsx", replace
.putexcel A3 = "2008"
.putexcel B3 = matrix(II)
.putexcel C3 = matrix(JJ)
Thank you in advance.
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