Hello everyone,

I work on a regression and I am not quite sure how to code it properly. Basically my regression looks like this (without dummy variable)
xtset company modate
xtreg rirf rmrf smb hml cma rmw zfund
Now I want to add my dummy variable ("cdo") which tells me if my company has a cdo = 1 or no cdo = 0.

I am not sure how to add the dummy variable into the regression. My solution would be either
xtreg rirf rmrf smb hml cma rmw zfund cdo
xtreg rirf rmrf smb hml cma rmw zfund if cdo == 1
I hope one of the regressions is correct.

After applying the regression I have a question regarding intepretating the results. I know this is not a Stata Coding question but maybe someone can help me with the interpretation. Basically I want to interpretate the effect of zfund*cdo on the rirf (The smb hml cam rmw results are irrelevant for this case).
Should I look at the correlation of zfund and cdo to analyse the combined effect of cdo and zfund on rirf ? I hope someone can help me out as I am very confused about the interpretation of the table with a dummy variable.

Thanks to everyone

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(modate zfund mktrf smb hml rmw cma rf) int company byte(cdo bank) float(ret_us count rirf rmrf)
624  -1.0642962  5.05   2.1  -.99 -2.05 -1.41   0 1 1 1    .2823721 97    .2823721 -2.05
625  -1.1153159  4.42 -1.69   .32  -.38  -.06   0 1 1 1    .1192195 97    .1192195  -.38
626   -1.118736  3.11  -.51  1.19  -.57   .81   0 1 1 1   .20075314 97   .20075314  -.57
627  -1.1402786  -.85  -.51   -.8  1.26   .67   0 1 1 1   -.1525615 97   -.1525615  1.26
628  -1.0566843 -6.19  -.03  -.78   2.5  2.41 .01 1 1 1  -.09245268 97  -.10245268  2.49
629    -.968369  3.89   .94   .63 -1.26   .32   0 1 1 1    .1129328 97    .1129328 -1.26
630   -.9747435   .79 -2.68  -.07   .93    .1   0 1 1 1  -.10269023 97  -.10269023   .93
631  -1.1112053  2.55   .43  1.21 -1.42  -.72 .01 1 1 1    .0885586 97    .0785586 -1.43
632  -.57883817  2.73   .65  1.53 -1.32   1.6 .01 1 1 1   .10652078 97   .09652078 -1.33
633  -1.0946654 -1.76  -.82  3.68  -1.5  2.27 .01 1 1 1   .05549365 97   .04549365 -1.51
634   -1.098425   .78   .31  -.94   .39   .92 .01 1 1 1   .05793252 97   .04793252   .38
635  -1.1478089  1.18  1.88  3.52 -1.79   .89 .01 1 1 1   .17860857 97   .16860856  -1.8
636  -1.0501254  5.57   .55   .91 -1.72  1.46   0 1 1 1  -.02497326 97  -.02497326 -1.72
637   -.9873649  1.29  -.36   .07  -.65   .47   0 1 1 1 -.007075083 97 -.007075083  -.65
638   -.9471298  4.03   .85   -.2   .55  1.32   0 1 1 1   .08459456 97   .08459456   .55
639   -.9412989  1.55 -2.29   .55   .13   .48   0 1 1 1  .010677938 97  .010677938   .13
640   -.7633607   2.8  1.99  2.65 -2.01  -.74   0 1 1 1   .10966566 97   .10966566 -2.01
641  .003116382  -1.2  1.35  -.02  -.35  -.02   0 1 1 1  -.05784499 97  -.05784499  -.35
642   -.9454608  5.65  1.81   .58 -1.33   .55   0 1 1 1   .13530035 97   .13530035 -1.33
643   -.7979175 -2.71  -.03 -2.67   .59 -2.18   0 1 1 1 -.032880723 97 -.032880723   .59
644   -.5600812  3.77  2.65 -1.19   -.6 -1.26   0 1 1 1  -.02197802 97  -.02197802   -.6
645   -.8588011  4.18 -1.49   1.2  2.78   .84   0 1 1 1   .01232065 97   .01232065  2.78
646   -.9537788  3.13  1.33   .31   .13   .07   0 1 1 1   .13242933 97   .13242933   .13
647   -.7821412  2.81  -.58  -.05  -.47   .09   0 1 1 1  -.01517821 97  -.01517821  -.47
648   -.8911942 -3.32   .58 -2.02 -3.93 -1.36   0 1 1 1    .0757885 97    .0757885 -3.93
649   -.8099153  4.65   .11  -.37  -.24  -.41   0 1 1 1 -.013131475 97 -.013131475  -.24
650   -.4301951   .43 -1.13  4.91  2.17  1.83   0 1 1 1   .04113565 97   .04113565  2.17
651   .21623185  -.19 -4.13  1.11  3.53  1.02   0 1 1 1  -.11977196 97  -.11977196  3.53
652  -.15925674  2.06 -1.91  -.12   .03 -1.05   0 1 1 1           0 97           0   .03
653   -.8320168  2.61  3.09  -.68 -1.91 -1.95   0 1 1 1  .015854314 97  .015854314 -1.91
654   -.7724395 -2.04 -4.27  -.02   .92   .47   0 1 1 1 -.007810143 97 -.007810143   .92
655   -.7282271  4.24    .3  -.58  -.61   -.7   0 1 1 1   .05508108 97   .05508108  -.61
656   -.4211756 -1.97 -3.75 -1.31  1.24  -.53   0 1 1 1   .06295789 97   .06295789  1.24
657    .4413366  2.52   3.8 -1.82  -.48  -.19   0 1 1 1  .006446443 97  .006446443  -.48
658   -.8405004  2.55 -2.29 -2.87  1.49    .2   0 1 1 1 -.006991793 97 -.006991793  1.49
659   .29060632  -.06  2.86  2.18 -1.16   .88   0 1 1 1    .0529222 97    .0529222 -1.16
660  -.51582384 -3.11  -.88  -3.5  1.68 -1.65   0 1 1 1   -.1531569 97   -.1531569  1.68
661   -.4917158  6.14   .23 -1.89 -1.16 -1.78   0 1 1 1   .04355939 97   .04355939 -1.16
662  -.05449453 -1.12  3.04  -.43    .1  -.51   0 1 1 1  -.02349115 97  -.02349115    .1
663   1.7682045   .59 -3.05  1.84  -.04  -.45   0 1 1 1  .035089232 97  .035089232  -.04
664    .1549665  1.36   .81 -1.19 -1.82  -.74   0 1 1 1  .035777695 97  .035777695 -1.82
665    .9248865 -1.53  2.86  -.76   .42  -1.5   0 1 1 1   .03456662 97   .03456662   .42
666  -.51957136  1.54 -4.51 -4.19    .1  -2.5   0 1 1 1   .05052426 97   .05052426    .1
667   -.9541405 -6.04   .39  2.63   .69  1.24   0 1 1 1  -.08612797 97  -.08612797   .69
668   2.0981243 -3.07 -2.77   .51  1.86  -.45   0 1 1 1  -.04350589 97  -.04350589  1.86
669   -.3357938  7.75 -2.18  -.21   .87   .41   0 1 1 1    .0770238 97    .0770238   .87
670    .9741321   .56  3.37  -.53 -2.64 -1.08   0 1 1 1   .03873625 97   .03873625 -2.64
671   -.7577139 -2.17    -3 -2.52   .45   .04 .01 1 1 1 -.031684853 97  -.04168485   .44
672    .1876454 -5.77 -3.41  1.98  2.81  3.05 .01 1 1 1   -.1598321 97  -.16983213   2.8
673   .27772656  -.08   .98  -.56  3.34  2.12 .02 1 1 1  -.11457096 97  -.13457096  3.32
674    -.621363  6.96  1.08  1.06   .77  -.08 .02 1 1 1   .08389845 97  .063898444   .75
675   -.5156671   .92  1.17   3.3 -2.89  2.01 .01 1 1 1    .0769271 97    .0669271  -2.9
676    -.669097  1.78  -.71 -1.72 -1.19 -2.52 .01 1 1 1   .01579454 97   .00579454  -1.2
677  -.18034604  -.05    .5 -1.46  1.41  1.98 .02 1 1 1  -.09974915 97  -.11974914  1.39
678   -.5001811  3.95  2.61 -1.23  1.14 -1.24 .02 1 1 1     .091932 97     .071932  1.12
679     -.31458    .5  1.67  3.24 -1.81  -.35 .02 1 1 1    .1190519 97    .0990519 -1.83
680   -.3065128   .25  1.78  -1.2 -2.13  -.06 .02 1 1 1 -.030364247 97  -.05036425 -2.15
681 -.006094114 -2.02 -4.08  4.04   .91   .21 .02 1 1 1   .05431573 97  .034315735   .89
682   -.9032302  4.86   6.8  8.15  -.07  3.78 .01 1 1 1   .28454354 97   .27454355  -.08
683  -.07185087  1.81   .41  3.49  1.14  -.29 .03 1 1 1    .0464054 97  .016405398  1.11
684   -.5030931  1.94 -1.34 -2.77   -.5  -.94 .04 1 1 1   .02443303 97  -.01556697  -.54
685    .5648496  3.57 -2.18 -1.78   .27 -1.74 .04 1 1 1   .09010552 97   .05010552   .23
686   .56005853   .17    .8 -3.25    .8 -1.04 .03 1 1 1  -.04135505 97  -.07135505   .77
687    .4321061  1.09   .48 -2.05  1.96 -1.58 .05 1 1 1  -.01059837 97  -.06059837  1.91
688     .452172  1.06  -3.1 -3.69  1.02 -1.93 .06 1 1 1  -.03663163 97  -.09663163   .96
689  -.10064785   .78  2.46  1.43 -2.23  -.05 .06 1 1 1   .08255441 97  .022554416 -2.29
690   -.5032098  1.87 -1.65  -.33  -.77  -.21 .07 1 1 1 -.005772489 97  -.07577249  -.84
691    1.514892   .16  -1.8  -2.3   .14 -2.42 .09 1 1 1 -.004557754 97  -.09455775   .05
692   -.3397476  2.51  4.79  3.11 -1.38  1.64 .09 1 1 1   .06069768 97  -.02930232 -1.47
693   .58235365  2.25 -1.96   .07   .93 -3.35 .09 1 1 1   .08089957 97 -.009100437   .84
694  -.27973685  3.12  -.33  -.06   3.3   .05 .08 1 1 1  .032858547 97  -.04714145  3.22
695   .00677294  1.06 -1.03   .27   .72  1.67 .09 1 1 1   .04792359 97  -.04207641   .63
696    .6013967  5.58  -3.2 -1.24  -.82  -.86 .11 1 1 1   .08401144 97 -.025988564  -.93
697  .011041225 -3.65   .37 -1.02   .58 -2.23 .11 1 1 1  .003124674 97  -.10687532   .47
698    1.256413 -2.35   3.6  -.14  -.45     0 .12 1 1 1  -.06217043 97   -.1821704  -.57
699    .4582822   .29   .96   .46 -2.33  1.18 .14 1 1 1 -.002333806 97   -.1423338 -2.47
700    2.458111  2.65  4.74 -3.15 -2.01 -1.44 .14 1 1 1  -.02540194 97  -.16540194 -2.15
701    .7331362   .48   .89 -2.27   .83   .34 .14 1 1 1   -.0292688 97   -.1692688   .69
702    .3634799  3.19 -1.95   .58  1.53    .4 .16 1 1 1   .09542326 97  -.06457674  1.37
703   1.2807873  3.44   .62 -3.87  -.15 -2.47 .16 1 1 1 .0016172507 97  -.15838274  -.31
704    .3231561   .06 -2.47  -1.7   .59  1.26 .15 1 1 1  -.04289338 97   -.1928934   .44
705    .1547048 -7.68 -4.57  3.62   .86  3.42 .19 1 1 1  -.06653293 97  -.25653294   .67
706   .12342313  1.69  -.79    .2  -.63   .33 .18 1 1 1  .032727633 97  -.14727238  -.81
707    .8793025 -9.55 -3.01 -1.88  -.09   .15 .19 1 1 1  -.12744075 97  -.31744075  -.28
708    .6319562  8.41  3.07  -.56  -.65 -1.36 .21 1 1 1    .1554367 97  -.05456328  -.86
709   1.2497272   3.4  1.79 -2.72   .09 -1.47 .18 1 1 1   .02669617 97  -.15330383  -.09
710    .2043876   1.1 -3.56  -4.2   .86 -1.03 .19 1 1 1  -.05123946 97  -.24123946   .67
711    2.945461  3.96 -1.17     2  1.64 -2.18 .21 1 1 1   .10837473 97  -.10162526  1.43
712    3.196913 -6.94 -1.52 -2.15  -.54  1.78 .21 1 1 1  -.13015136 97   -.3401514  -.75
713   .20777777  6.93   .33  -.82   .99  -.38 .18 1 1 1   .09609094 97  -.08390907   .81
714    1.672993  1.19  -1.9    .3  -.16   .34 .19 1 1 1   .05792966 97  -.13207033  -.35
715   1.1428357 -2.58  -3.3 -4.93   .43  -.88 .16 1 1 1  -.10332292 97  -.26332292   .27
716   1.2313054  1.43   .26  6.78  1.99   3.5 .18 1 1 1   .06712751 97   -.1128725  1.81
717    .9599003  2.06   .21 -2.09   .25  -.99 .15 1 1 1   .07199332 97  -.07800668    .1
718   .58086735  3.87    .5 -1.87 -1.58 -1.24 .12 1 1 1   .06555604 97  -.05444396  -1.7
719    3.268818  2.77   .96  1.93   .09  1.29 .14 1 1 1    .0627736 97   -.0772264  -.05
624  -1.0642962  5.05   2.1  -.99 -2.05 -1.41   0 2 1 1   .08692265 97   .08692265 -2.05
625  -1.1153159  4.42 -1.69   .32  -.38  -.06   0 2 1 1   .07576478 97   .07576478  -.38
626   -1.118736  3.11  -.51  1.19  -.57   .81   0 2 1 1   .07316217 97   .07316217  -.57
627  -1.1402786  -.85  -.51   -.8  1.26   .67   0 2 1 1  .027214566 97  .027214566  1.26
format %tm modate