Out of curiosity I want to reproduce the calculations from:
cls use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r16/judges, clear icc rating target judge, format(%6.3f)
mixed rating, reml noheader nolog nofetable ||_all: R.target ||_all: R.judge nlcom /// ( individual: exp(2*_b[lns1_1_1:_cons]) / (exp(2*_b[lns1_1_1:_cons]) + (exp(2*_b[lns1_2_1:_cons]) + exp(2*_b[lnsig_e:_cons]))) ) /// ( average: exp(2*_b[lns1_1_1:_cons]) / (exp(2*_b[lns1_1_1:_cons]) + (exp(2*_b[lns1_2_1:_cons]) + exp(2*_b[lnsig_e:_cons])) / 4) )
The distribution of ICC is F and it is asymmetrical. This is clearly the problem for -nlcom-.
Without success, I've tried stepwise estimation by -nlcom- estimating the log variances in the first step with option post.
Note that I have to estimate the total variance as the sum of variances from two independent variables before (or at the same time) that I estimate ICC.
Also without success I've tried building estimation of log variances and ICC into one -nlcom- like
nlcom (log_a: ...) (log_b: ...) (ICC: exp(log_a - log_b))
- Is there a way of tricking -nlcom- into getting more exact confidence intervals? Or is it a lost cause?
- Are the approaches I've used with -nlcom- valid?
- If so, how do I do it right?

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