Hey everyone, (Data description is posted in the buttom) I'm currently writing by bachelor at Copenhagen Business School, and ran into an issue with Stata that i haven't been able to find the solution to on my own.

Since it is a university assignment the normal approach (as i have been taught, and is the recommendations in https://www.iuj.ac.jp/faculty/kucc62...blq5Qmk7KvdJLg) would be to start of with a simple model like a Pooled OLS, and then if that isn't sufficient, or the assumptions of the model don't seem to hold up, then you move on to fixed or random effects models. Gladly correct me if this approach isn't optimal.

My first issue when doing the Pooled OLS, is figuring out if it is actually done correctly (As i have seen different approaches from different sources). From what i can tell you do this by running clustered standard errors.

reg Covid19_cases x1 x2 x3 Country, vce(cluster Country)
Question 1. is this approach to Pooled OLS correct, and how should i include my time variable in the -reg?

Question 2. How do i test the assumptions of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation when using clustered standard errors, as this seems to make it impossible to run a Breusch-Pagan test.

. hettest
hettest not appropriate after robust cluster()

Furthermore, i know that -xtreg usually outperforms -reg (with clustered standard errors) when it comes to panel data regression.

So my Question 3 (See output from Pooled OLS and Random effects below) is how do i based on the stata output determine whether i should use Pooled OLS, fixed or random effects model. (As almost all my variables are static, i know that i'll probably end up with a -re effects model. I just simply haven't been able to statistically argue for this point of view, as i can't even test for things like heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation)

output from Pooled OLS:

Linear regression                               Number of obs     =      4,592
                                                F(19, 41)         =     303.69
                                                Prob > F          =     0.0000
                                                R-squared         =     0.7294
                                                Root MSE          =       1242

                                                (Std. Err. adjusted for 42 clusters in Country)
                              |               Robust
                Covid19_cases |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                  Ages0_14Pct |   8123.495   11156.99     0.73   0.471     -14408.5    30655.49
                 Ages65_99Pct |   3038.334   11320.49     0.27   0.790    -19823.86    25900.53
                 Ages15_64Pct |   7851.408   11239.37     0.70   0.489    -14846.96    30549.78
               Covid19_deaths |   9.630924   1.715408     5.61   0.000     6.166587    13.09526
                   CrimeIndex |  -8.226521   5.282897    -1.56   0.127    -18.89555    2.442507
                  DAI_B_index |   1999.881   1276.736     1.57   0.125    -578.5393    4578.301
                  DAI_G_index |   290.8351   454.5301     0.64   0.526     -627.107    1208.777
                  DAI_P_index |   3.885746    690.839     0.01   0.996    -1391.292    1399.064
                      Gdp2018 |   .1692471   .0260085     6.51   0.000     .1167219    .2217724
           GdpAgriculturalPct |    1772.46   2558.133     0.69   0.492    -3393.794    6938.715
             GdpIndustrialPct |  -35.28193   2158.263    -0.02   0.987    -4393.983    4323.419
                GdpServicePct |   150.5583   2216.818     0.07   0.946    -4326.396    4627.512
         InternetUsage2014Pct |  -283.9534   701.2951    -0.40   0.688    -1700.248    1132.341
                  popData2018 |  -9.46e-07   4.60e-07    -2.06   0.046    -1.87e-06   -1.64e-08
pop_AnnualGrowthPct_2010_2018 |  -15230.27   11371.27    -1.34   0.188    -38195.02    7734.475
                pop_density18 |  -.3554776   .4322918    -0.82   0.416    -1.228509    .5175533
          SocialMobilityIndex |  -9.681271    21.7794    -0.44   0.659    -53.66567    34.30313
              StringencyIndex |   3.398476   1.255605     2.71   0.010     .8627302    5.934222
                      Country |   .3061796     1.2523     0.24   0.808    -2.222892    2.835251
                        _cons |  -7908.159   12120.52    -0.65   0.518    -32386.04    16569.72

output from Random effects:
xtset Country Date
Random-effects GLS regression                   Number of obs     =      4,592
Group variable: Country                         Number of groups  =         42

R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
     within  = 0.6600                                         min =         51
     between = 0.9450                                         avg =      109.3
     overall = 0.7293                                         max =        113

                                                Wald chi2(18)     =    9283.67
corr(u_i, X)   = 0 (assumed)                    Prob > chi2       =     0.0000

                Covid19_cases |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                  Ages0_14Pct |   7719.581   17073.57     0.45   0.651       -25744    41183.17
                 Ages65_99Pct |   2600.686   16826.48     0.15   0.877    -30378.61    35579.98
                 Ages15_64Pct |   7477.483   17549.24     0.43   0.670    -26918.39    41873.36
               Covid19_deaths |   9.728414   .1100511    88.40   0.000     9.512718     9.94411
                   CrimeIndex |   -8.30544   6.737789    -1.23   0.218    -21.51126    4.900383
                  DAI_B_index |   1956.444   1257.037     1.56   0.120    -507.3033    4420.191
                  DAI_G_index |   308.9836   463.2871     0.67   0.505    -599.0424     1217.01
                  DAI_P_index |   64.28808   1023.292     0.06   0.950    -1941.327    2069.903
                      Gdp2018 |   .1685496   .0209757     8.04   0.000      .127438    .2096611
           GdpAgriculturalPct |   1816.435   4797.581     0.38   0.705    -7586.651    11219.52
             GdpIndustrialPct |  -124.5615   4119.166    -0.03   0.976    -8197.979    7948.856
                GdpServicePct |   135.0255   4126.775     0.03   0.974    -7953.304    8223.356
         InternetUsage2014Pct |  -392.6615   1069.255    -0.37   0.713    -2488.362    1703.039
                  popData2018 |  -9.59e-07   3.03e-07    -3.16   0.002    -1.55e-06   -3.64e-07
pop_AnnualGrowthPct_2010_2018 |  -15717.27   16056.61    -0.98   0.328    -47187.65    15753.11
                pop_density18 |  -.3674106   .5401536    -0.68   0.496    -1.426092     .691271
          SocialMobilityIndex |  -8.118353   21.31227    -0.38   0.703    -49.88963    33.65293
              StringencyIndex |   3.613653   .5180906     6.97   0.000     2.598214    4.629092
                        _cons |  -7511.384    18162.4    -0.41   0.679    -43109.03    28086.26
                      sigma_u |   319.2514
                      sigma_e |  1214.6213
                          rho |  .06462069   (fraction of variance due to u_i)

Data description:
21 variables, and 4592 observations. (unbalanced dataset)
Variable Description
Date Time indicator (In days)
StringencyIndex Index measuring the goverment response to Covid19.

100 being the most severe response, and 0 being the loosest response.
Covid19_cases Dependent variable

Measuring the number of recorded covid19 cases
Covid19_deaths Measuring the number of recording deaths caused by covid19
popData2018 2018 country population data
DAI_index Digital adoption index

Measuring a countries digital adoption across three dimensions of the economy: people, government, and business
DAI_B_index Measuring a countries digital adoption across business
DAI_P_index Measuring a countries digital adoption across people
DAI_G_index Measuring a countries digital adoption across government
pop_AnnualGrowthPct_2010_2018 Measuring a countries annual growth in population from 2010 to 2018 in pct.
Ages0_14Pct Measuring the pct. of a countries population who are between 0 and 14 years of age.
Ages15_64Pct Measuring the pct. of a countries population who are between 15 and 64 years of age.
Ages65_99Pct Measuring the pct. of a countries population who are between 65 and 99 years of age.
Ages0_99Pct Measuring the pct. of a countries population who are between 0 and 99 years of age.
CrimeIndex Index measuring crime rates by country.

100 being the highest crimes rates and 0 being the lowest
SocialMobilityIndex Index measuring social mobility by country

100 being the highest social mobility and 0 being the lowest
Gdp2018 Country GDP by 2018 numbers
GdpAgriculturalPct Pct. of a countries GDP that comes from the agriculture sector
GdpIndustrialPct Pct. of a countries GDP that comes from the industrial sector
GdpServicePct Pct. of a countries GDP that comes from the service sector
InternetUsage2014Pct % of a countries population that uses the internet, by 2014 numbers
Country Entity indicator
Continent Continent
pop_density18 Population density by country by 2018 numbers
I hope i have been as precise and informative as possible.

Best regards, Walther Larsen