Good mornig to everybody.

1)HOW TO INTERPRET CONTRADICTORY RESULTS BETWEEN ANOVA AND MULTIPLE PAIRWISE COMPARISONS (post hoc)? I ran a model and i find Non-significant ANOVA with significant multiple pairwise comparisons...i MEAN HOW to write this in an article??? 2) Another question How can I report results of Outcome, timepoint and the interaction between outcome and timepoint ? (see the output below) (table 1)

table 1

Source Partial SS df MS F Prob>F

Model .494415648 19 .026021876 6.40 0.000000

Outcome .063395043 3 .021131681 5.20 0.0016
Timepoint .294629916 4 .073657479 18.11 0.0000
Outcome#timepoint .37227184 12 .031022653 7.63 0.0000

Residual 1.27713207 314 .0040673

thanks to everybody