
I cannot get writepsfrag to work. I am trying to have the same fonts on my Stata-produced figures and the rest of my LaTeX document.

I am running the example from the writepsfrag help file:

* ssc install writepsfrag
twoway function y=normalden(x), range(-4 4)
text(0.125 0 "\textbf{\color{blue}{Normal PDF:}}")
text(0.090 0 "\(y=\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{\frac{-(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}\)")
xlabel(-4 "\(-4\sigma\)" -2 "\(-2\sigma\)" 0 "\(\mu\)" 2 "\(2\sigma\)" 4 "\(4\sigma\)")
xtitle("All text is set in {\LaTeX} font") ytitle("\(y\)");
graph export normal.eps, as(eps);
writepsfrag normal.eps using normal.tex, replace body(figure, caption("Normal Probability Density Function"));
#delimit cr
and adding it to Overleaf using the following code:



\psfrag{\\textbf{\\color{blue}{Normal PDF:}}}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize \textbf{\color{blue}{Normal PDF:}}}
\psfrag{\\(y=\\frac{1}{\\sigma\\sqrt{2\\pi}}e^{\\frac{-(x-\\mu)^2}{2\\sigma^2}}\\)}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize \(y=\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{\frac{-(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}\)}
\psfrag{0}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize 0}
\psfrag{.1}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize .1}
\psfrag{.2}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize .2}
\psfrag{.3}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize .3}
\psfrag{.4}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize .4}
\psfrag{\\(y\\)}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize \(y\)}
\psfrag{\\(-4\\sigma\\)}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize \(-4\sigma\)}
\psfrag{\\(-2\\sigma\\)}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize \(-2\sigma\)}
\psfrag{\\(\\mu\\)}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize \(\mu\)}
\psfrag{\\(2\\sigma\\)}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize \(2\sigma\)}
\psfrag{\\(4\\sigma\\)}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize \(4\sigma\)}
\psfrag{All text is set in {\\LaTeX} font}[c][c][1][0]{\normalsize All text is set in {\LaTeX} font}
\caption{Normal Probability Density Function}

However, the figure generated does not work the way it should:
Am I doing something wrong? Is there an alternative way to produce eps files in Stata with a font that corresponds to the LaTeX document? I tried downloading LM Roman 10 and setting it as the Stata graph font. It works within Stata, but when I export graphs as eps, they revert back to the standard font .