Dear all
I'm performing an IPTW on Stata 14 comparing effect of a drug on a dicotomic outcome (death yes/no for a medical research)
the outcome is given as ATE
| Robust
kindofdapt~t | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
Death_800day |
(1 vs 0) | -.088695 .0229997 -3.86 0.000 -.1337737 -.0436164
POmean |
Death_800day |
0 | 1.209573 .0057125 211.74 0.000 1.198376 1.220769

but in medicine we are used to compare outcomes with Odds Ratio
How can I convert ATE into Odds Ratio?

thanks in advance