Dear all,

I was wondering if it would be possible to compute a mean ROC curve, with corresponding mean AUC, for multiple plotted ROC curves.
I have a dataset of 379 observations, each of which has been assigned a score rainging from 1 to 5 (categorical variable) by 4 different readers, by reference to their corresponding real clinical diagnosis ("Reference Variable/Reference Standard: 0=neg, 1=pos). I have plotted a ROC curve with its corresponding AUC for each reader, obtaining sensitivity and specificity for each cut-point (corresponding score), just as shown below for a single reader:

Detailed report of sensitivity and specificity
Cutpoint      Sensitivity   Specificity   Classified          LR+          LR-
( >= 1 )          100.00%         0.00%       30.61%       1.0000     
( >= 2 )           75.86%        54.75%       61.21%       1.6766       0.4409
( >= 3 )           70.69%        68.44%       69.13%       2.2399       0.4283
( >= 4 )           66.38%        80.61%       76.25%       3.4231       0.4171
( >= 5 )           54.31%        86.69%       76.78%       4.0810       0.5270
( >  5 )            0.00%       100.00%       69.39%                    1.0000

                      ROC                    -Asymptotic Normal--
           Obs       Area     Std. Err.      [95% Conf. Interval]
           379     0.7380       0.0284        0.68229     0.79368
The point is, obtaining ROC curve for each reader, is there a package that may allow me to produce the mean ROC curve and AUC considering all readers, in order to plot the 4 ROC curves with the average ROC together, so to have a "Mean ROC Curve Graph" and a "Mean AUC value" considering the 4 readers together?

I have tried the .cvauroc command to obtain a cross-validated mean AUC in this way:

However, I am not sure this is the right way: considering I have 379 obs and a score 1 to 5 assigned for each of them by 4 different readers, I wouldn't know how to set k-folds and seeds in order to get what I am searching for.

Thank you in advance for your attention.

Kind regards.