Hi All

My dataset is longitudinal in the long format, and each individual has 5 rows of data with each row representing one wave (i.e. total 5 waves).

I just want to create a variable called year which can take on the same 5 values for subjects: 1982, 1989, 1999, 2009 & 2015 and is understood by Stata to be in calendar years. I will use this year variable to help create other variables like duration and age etc.

I would like the year variable to look this:

id year
1 1982
1 1989
1 1999
1 2009
1 2015
2 1982
2 1989
2 1999
2 2009
2 2015
3 1982
3 1989
3 1999
3 2009
3 2015
Any idea how to generate the above year variable which Stata understands to be calender years?

Many Thanks