* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str40 y str15(x markers) "Stock price crash risk" "Share Pledge" "HMY_2020" "Stock price synchronicity" "Share Pledge" "HMY_2020" "Takeover" "Share Pledge" "xxx" "Tobin's q" "Share Pledge" "WC18jbf" "Tobin's q" "Share Pledge" "DMZ19rfs" *"Tobin's q" "Share Pledge" "LLS19pbfj" end sort y // cost of debt (pmk20ah), 策略性慈善捐贈 (2020, CIE) label define X 1 "Share Pledge" 3 "Short Selling" encode x, gen(X) encode y, gen(Y) labmask Y, values(y) replace y = `""Stock price-" "crash risk""' if y == "Stock price crash risk" replace y = `""Stock price-" "synchronicity""' if y == "Stock price synchronicity" lab drop Y labmask Y, values(y) scatter Y X, ytitle("") xtitle("") mcolor(none) mlab(markers) mlabpos(0) mlabsize(small) jitter(7) /// xlab(0 " " 1 2 " " 3 4 " " 5 6 " " 7 8 " " 9 " " 10 " " 11 " ", val labsize(small) grid) xsc(r(0 11)) /// ylab(0 " " 1(1)16, val labsize(small) grid angle(0)) ysc(r(0 16) outergap(40)) scale(0.75)
How can I make the intersection of "Tobin's q" and "Share Pledge" visible? Thanks.
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