Dear all,
I am using the command "coefplot" to graph the interaction between a year dummy and the amount of loss-carryforward for the years 2005 to 2019 (with 2017 as my base year).
My regression command looks as follows:
reg equity lcf round age ib2017.year#c.lcf i.year i.industry, vce(robust)
After having run the regression, I use the "coefplot" command as follows:
coefplot, keep(2006.year#c.lcf 2007.year#c.lcf 2008.year#c.lcf 2009.year#c.lcf 2010.year#c.lcf 2011.year#c.lcf 2012.year#c.lcf 2013.year#c.lcf 2014.year#c.lcf /*
*/ 2015.year#c.lcf 2016.year#c.lcf 2017.year#c.lcf 2018.year#c.lcf 2019.year#c.lcf) /*
*/ rename(2006.year#c.lcf = 2006 2007.year#c.lcf = 2007 2008.year#c.lcf = 2008 2009.year#c.lcf = 2009 2010.year#c.lcf = 2010 2011.year#c.lcf = 2011 /*
*/ 2012.year#c.lcf = 2012 2013.year#c.lcf = 2013 2014.year#c.lcf = 2014 2015.year#c.lcf = 2015 /*
*/ 2016.year#c.lcf = 2016 2017.year#c.lcf = 2017 2018.year#c.lcf = 2018 2019.year#c.lcf = 2019) /*
*/ vertical yline(0) omitted baselevels xtitle("Interaction LCF and years") ciopts(recast(rcap))
This gives me the following graph, where the confidence intervals are plotted as a line. Array

I would like to change this style of confidence intervals to a style where the confidence intervals are shaded as an area from 2006 to 2019.

Does anyone have an idea or a hint how I can do that and adjust the coefplot command?
Or is there another Stata command which is more useful for this?
I was searching for quite a long time but didn't find a solution.

Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks a lot in advance for your time and your help!
Kind regards