Good morning,
Nick Cox or anybody else with interests in graphing: Can you please propose a graph which is convenient for comparing a couple of standard uniform distributions on the same graph? Or more precisely a couple of distributions with support on [0,1] which I want to compare to one another, and I want to see which is close to the standard uniform and which is not?
When I compare a couple of distributions that tapper off at both tails, -twoway kdensity- is great. However I do not know whether there is a way to use -kdensity- on a distribution like the uniform that does not tapper off. (Is there a way to tell -kdensity- that the distribution has a limited support on [0,1]?)
Histograms serve when you are looking at one (allegedly) uniform distribution, but become horrible if you want to put two distributions on the same picture. Once I looked up on the internet and with a lot of pain produced a graph overlaying two histograms, and I was not happy with the results because the one on the front covers the one on the back, and generally a mess results.
So in short, do you have any suggestions of how to graph a couple of distributions with limited support on [0,1] that do not tapper off at the tail on the same picture?
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