Hi! Everyone, while reading an article I came across the following lines where the author used some hypothesis testing to identify whether a significant different exist between the categorical variables. The lines are as follows:

"We found a significant gender difference in the crossing behaviours of the pedestrians arriving to the crosswalk during a red-light phase, such that male pedestrians crossed on a red light more frequently than female pedestrians, (χ2(1, N= 563) = 17.17, p< 0.001). Age failed to yield significant differences in crossing behaviours, (χ2(2, N = 1392) = 1.02, p = NS), and was subsequently removed from further analyses."

Initially, based on the reported statistics I thought that the author has performed a chi-squared test of independence, but I am still in doubt that whether with independence test, we could locate the differences (as independence test used to identify association).

Can anyone spot what statistics the author has used?

Note: Gender (includes male/female), Crossing behaviour (crossed in red-light or waited for green) and age (0-20, 20-40, 40-60 and 60+), all are categorical variables.

Thanks in advance.