I'm running -meta forestplot- (which I like) on the attached data. I have two subgroups. By default the command puts a title above each subgroup's forestplot, but when I add detail to the command the subgroup titles go away. Here's an illustration. How can I get subgroup titles by modifying the last command? Many thanks!

cd "~\Box Sync\Replicability\Red flags in meta-analysis\"
import delimited "Meta-analysis input.csv", clear
gen se = (ucl-lcl) / (2*invnormal(.975))
gen Authors = author + " et al."
replace conflict = conflict + "."

meta set effect se

/* This command shows subgroup titles. */
meta forestplot, random(dlaird) subgroup(longdv)

/* But this does not. */
meta forestplot Authors year patientstreated patientscontrol dosegday durationweeks _plot _esci conflict, random(dlaird) ///
nullrefline(favorsleft("better with collagen")) subgroup(longdv) columnopts(conflict, justification(left)) ///
coltitleopts(justification(left)) sort(patientstreated)