
I wanted to run a simple command for moving one of my variables called "comment" to the end of my dataset. I picked this command verbatim from the Stata User Manual. When I tried, this is what I get:

. order comment [,last] (**without space)
weights not allowed

. order comment [, last] (**with space between comma and last)
weights not allowed

For both variants of the "order" command, I get an error saying weights not allowed. I get the same error when I use this command with multiple variables:

. order gvkey cusip coname ticker execid co_per_rol exec_fullname nameprefix exec_fname exec_mname exec_lname gender pag
> e age joined_co PrevExp title year titleann ceoann execrank execrankann salary bonus becameceo pceo PositionTenure le
> ftofc leftco reason rejoin releft [,first]
weights not allowed

What may be going wrong?

