Dear Stata-users,

I'm composing a demand elasticity model based on Poi's (2012) command: quaids.

For simplicity, I'll demonstrate my problem using the food.dta example file.

webuse food
generate nkids = int(runiform()*4)
generate rural = (runiform() >0.7)

*installing quaids.ado
help st0268_1

quaids w1-w4, anot(10) prices (p1-p4) expenditure(expfd) demographics (nkids rural) nolog level(95)

estat expenditure, atmeans stderrs
matrix elas =r(expelas)
matrix list elas
matrix list r(sd)
matrix list e(V)

*elasticities are saved as a vector under r(uncompelas)
estat uncompensated, atmeans stderrs
matrix uncompelas = r(uncompelas)
matrix list uncompelas
matrix list r(sd)

->now my aim is to obtain the elasticity tables with asterisks (*) based on the p-values (.05 .01 .001)
-> here I use the estout package
*approach 1
* install needed package:
ssc install estout, replace
estimates store uncompelas
estout uncompelas, cells(sham(star))

-> I also tried different approaches:
*approach 2
estimates table, star(.05 .01 .001)

*trying another version: parmest
ssc describe parmest
ssc install parmest
help parmest

*elasticities are saved as a vector under r(uncompelas)
estat compensated, atmeans stderrs
matrix compelas = r(compelas)
matrix list compelas
matrix list r(sd)
*approach 3
parmest, list(,) stars(0.05 0.01 0.001) // only works for parameter table not for matrix

-> instead of putting asterisks on the elasticity tables, they are applied on the parameter table (computed through the quaids command) in all the three approaches

How can I direct Stata to place the * on the price elasticity tables?

Any help is appreciated!
