
I'm trying to make a regression on a panel dataset, but this ---no observations r(2000);--- I already describe them all of them

 describe (lrent y90 lpop lavginc pctstu)

              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
lrent           double  %10.0g                lrent
y90             byte    %10.0g                y90
lpop            double  %10.0g                lpop
lavginc         double  %10.0g                lavginc
pctstu          double  %10.0g                pctstu
. summarize (lrent y90 lpop lavginc pctstu)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
       lrent |        128    5.746195     .332707   5.225747   6.829794
         y90 |        128          .5    .5019646          0          1
        lpop |        128     11.1143     .625036   10.15534   13.35808
     lavginc |        128    9.788184    .3400942   9.133676   10.93857
      pctstu |        128    27.41512    13.75447   9.941273   71.20982
Any idea what's going on here?