Please stata show me this message "maximum number of iterations exceeded" when i use the predictnl command.
predictnl pr_U = predict(outcome(1) p), ci(pr_Ul pr_Uh)
predictnl pr_OLF = predict(outcome(2) p), ci(pr_OLFl pr_OLFh)
predictnl pr_Ear_per = predict(outcome(3) p), ci(pr_Ear_perl pr_Ear_perh)
predictnl pr_Ear_occ = predict(outcome(4) p), ci(pr_Ear_occl pr_Ear_occh)
predictnl pr_Self = predict(outcome(5) p), ci(pr_Selfl pr_Selfh)
predictnl pr_nr = predict(outcome(6) p), ci(pr_nrl pr_nrh)