Dear all,

I'd like to display glm model outputs using the postfile commend in stata (then transfer to tables in excel). Previously I have used the codes to display standard coef, 95%CI and p values from regression models. How do I modify the codes to get the results displaying as IRR instead of standard coef.?

glm chapmsss latitude sex age, fam(poi) link(log) nolog robust eform
matrix b = e(b)
matrix V= e(V)
local beta: display %3.1f b[1,1]
local l95: display %3.1f b[1,1] - invnormal(0.975)*sqrt(V[1,(1)])
local u95: display %3.1f b[1,1] + invnormal(0.975)*sqrt(V[1,1])

/* A little code to display the p value as <0.001 if appropriate: NOTE: This can be expanded to the format you desire, for example if you want *s for significance*/
local pval = 2*normprob(-abs(b[1,1]/sqrt(V[1,1])))
if `pval' <= 0.001 {
local pval = "p<0.001"

else if `pval' <= 0.10 {
local pval: display %4.3f 2*normprob(-abs(b[1,1]/sqrt(V[1,1])))
local pval = "p=`pval'"

else if `pval' <= 1 {
local pval: display %4.3f 2*normprob(-abs(b[1,2]/sqrt(V[1,1])))
local pval = "p=`pval'"


post temp ("`var'") ("`beta' [`l95', `u95']") ("`pval'")



Any help is appreciated!
