Hi all,

Im struggling with the results of my regression. Im testing the moderation effect (M) on the B - performance relationship, and get the following results:
(9) (10) (11) (12)
VARIABLES Revenue growtht+1 ROAt+1 Revenue growtht+3 ROAt+3
Mt (=1) -0.0217** (0.0478) 3.792 (0.2331) 9.369*** (0.00213) -0.0101 (0.369)
Bt -0.147*** 43.86*** 31.07** -0.0901*
(0.00174) (0.00132) (0.0148) (0.0568)
Interaction termt (=1) 0.147*** -43.81*** -30.36** 0.0914*
(0.00177) (0.00131) (0.0172) (0.0531)
As you can see, the coefficients on the interaction term are quite similar but reversed to the coefficient of the independent variable. I'm struggling to interpret these findings, since I can not find out why the coefficients are so similar but in the opposite direction.

Can someone please help with the interpretation?

Thanks a lot