Hi, I'm graphing the value of 3 variables in several scenarios as displayed below. Each of these scenarios can be broken down into 4 different categories (A, B, C, D) each with several cases. Array

1) Do you have any suggestions on how to better present the data, specially if instead of having 16 scenarios I have more than 100 (still broken down in the same 4 categories)? I would like to have the variables Case 1-3 on the same panel so they can be easily compared.
-With graph dot you can't graph over more than 2 categories (maybe mulidot will be more flexible with an alternative solution?)

2) What if I wanted to make an additional graph to present variables Case 1-3 in one panel, Case 4-6 in another panel and Case 7-9 in another panel in the same graph?

Here is the data and code I'm using:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(w_total_ex11_1 w_total_ex11_2 w_total_ex11_3) str12 context
1 .9967358 .9898894 "A1 B.1 C1 D1"
1 .9967358 .9898894 "A1 B.1 C2 D1"
1 .9967358 .9898894 "A1 B.1 C1 D2"
1 .9967358 .9898894 "A1 B.1 C2 D2"
1 .9943715 .9825519 "A1 B1 C1 D1"
1 .9943715 .9825519 "A1 B1 C2 D1"
1 .9943715 .9825519 "A1 B1 C1 D2"
1 .9943715 .9825519 "A1 B1 C2 D2"
1 .9640673 .8842497 "A2 B.1 C1 D1"
1 .9640673 .8842497 "A2 B.1 C2 D1"
1 .9640675 .8842502 "A2 B.1 C1 D2"
1 .9640675 .8842502 "A2 B.1 C2 D2"
1 .9556586  .850899 "A2 B1 C1 D1"
1 .9556586  .850899 "A2 B1 C2 D1"
1 .9556586  .850899 "A2 B1 C1 D2"
1 .9556586  .850899 "A2 B1 C2 D2"

graph dot w_total_ex11_1 w_total_ex11_2 w_total_ex11_3 , over(context) nofill ///
        ndots(80) ytitle("(%)") ylabel(,format(%3.1fc))  xsize(10) ysize(6) ///
        marker(1, mlcolor(navy)) marker(2, mcolor(maroon) msymbol(T)) marker(3, mcolor(forest_green) msymbol(S)) ///
        legend(order(1 "Case 1" 2 "Case 2" 3 "Case 3")) ///
        graphregion(color(white) margin(zero)) scheme(s1color)
Thanks for any suggestion!