1) Do you have any suggestions on how to better present the data, specially if instead of having 16 scenarios I have more than 100 (still broken down in the same 4 categories)? I would like to have the variables Case 1-3 on the same panel so they can be easily compared.
-With graph dot you can't graph over more than 2 categories (maybe mulidot will be more flexible with an alternative solution?)
2) What if I wanted to make an additional graph to present variables Case 1-3 in one panel, Case 4-6 in another panel and Case 7-9 in another panel in the same graph?
Here is the data and code I'm using:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(w_total_ex11_1 w_total_ex11_2 w_total_ex11_3) str12 context 1 .9967358 .9898894 "A1 B.1 C1 D1" 1 .9967358 .9898894 "A1 B.1 C2 D1" 1 .9967358 .9898894 "A1 B.1 C1 D2" 1 .9967358 .9898894 "A1 B.1 C2 D2" 1 .9943715 .9825519 "A1 B1 C1 D1" 1 .9943715 .9825519 "A1 B1 C2 D1" 1 .9943715 .9825519 "A1 B1 C1 D2" 1 .9943715 .9825519 "A1 B1 C2 D2" 1 .9640673 .8842497 "A2 B.1 C1 D1" 1 .9640673 .8842497 "A2 B.1 C2 D1" 1 .9640675 .8842502 "A2 B.1 C1 D2" 1 .9640675 .8842502 "A2 B.1 C2 D2" 1 .9556586 .850899 "A2 B1 C1 D1" 1 .9556586 .850899 "A2 B1 C2 D1" 1 .9556586 .850899 "A2 B1 C1 D2" 1 .9556586 .850899 "A2 B1 C2 D2" end graph dot w_total_ex11_1 w_total_ex11_2 w_total_ex11_3 , over(context) nofill /// ndots(80) ytitle("(%)") ylabel(,format(%3.1fc)) xsize(10) ysize(6) /// marker(1, mlcolor(navy)) marker(2, mcolor(maroon) msymbol(T)) marker(3, mcolor(forest_green) msymbol(S)) /// legend(order(1 "Case 1" 2 "Case 2" 3 "Case 3")) /// graphregion(color(white) margin(zero)) scheme(s1color)
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