I connect to a topic issued yesterday. So basically I have a Mac and would like to store a series of datasets (.dta format) into google drive. To do that of course I need the path which apparently is not given by Drive (at least I cannot find the path in the usual way: /Users/John_Smith/...). Is there a way to save, replace .dta files into google drive? And if not, is there an alternative way of storing hundreds (i.e. about 800) of datasets somewhere (not Dropbox) in a way that they do not occupy space in my PC?
To be more concrete, what I am doing is the following loop which stores databases for each couple:
local ctry "aitaly belgium france germany greece ireland netherlands poland portugal sweden uk" local ctrytwo "aitaly belgium france germany greece ireland netherlands poland portugal sweden uk" tab molecule, gen(dummy_mol_) levelsof molecu, local(levels) *THE FOLLOWING IS THE RIGHT LOOP: foreach l of local levels { foreach i in `ctry'{ foreach d in `ctrytwo'{ use "/Users/federiconutarelli/Dropbox/dato_per_molecola/`l'_generics.dta", clear keep if ctry == "`i'" | ctry == "`d'" if "`i'" == "`d'"{ display as err "Countries are equal" continue } save "/Users/federiconutarelli/Dropbox/terzo_lavoro/`l'_`i'_`d'.dta", replace } } }
save "/Users/federiconutarelli/Google Drive/`l'_`i'_`d'.dta", replace
Thank you,
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