This is a set of zip codes with the date of the policy. How can I generate new vars such that I will have for each zip code an hourly time (an hour and minute: 00:00 to 23:00) for the 3rd of April. Below is a sample of the data set I have.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str85 zipcode str19 speedlimit str10 bdate " 90425" "30" "03.04.2019" " 90552" "30" "03.04.2019" " 90765" "30" "03.04.2019" " 95445" "30" "03.04.2019" "63739" "30" "03.04.2019" "63739" "30" "03.04.2019" "63785" "30" "03.04.2019" end
best regards,
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