My question is: when the weight in my data is post-stratification weight, how should I incorporate these weights into my calculation of bootstrap confidence intervals?
My data is collected through a stratified sampling framework. The number of observations within each strata in my sample is NOT proportional to the relative population size of each strata. So I have brought in post-stratification weights into my data. These weights are used in all of my original analyses.
Now I need to calculate bootstrap confidence intervals for my estimates. I have to do this manually by randomly sampling 100 samples (because of the specific analytic strategies that I adopt for my research).
Initially, I simply use
foreach boot of numlist 1(1)100 { // Bootstrapping with 100 replications disp `boot' set seed `boot' gsample ,strata(stratavar) }
Finally, I tried to drop weights from all my analyses. Now the mean of the statistic across the 100 samples is in line with my original unweighted estimate. So I feel I must have done something wrong. Can someone point it out where I did wrong?
So to reiterate my question: when the weight in my data is post-stratification weight, how should I incorporate these weights into my calculation of bootstrap confidence intervals?
Thank you!
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