Dear all,

Assume that one runs a model using the bayes prefix. This model includes also a large number of indicators apart from some standard controls.

I am wondering if there is a way not to have the results of the indicators shown at all in the Stata output.

I will will present a minimal working example.

input id    year    y    x1    x2
1    1990    0.765290722    0.786241262    0.783572146
1    1991    0.611380163    0.739519495    0.60693537
1    1992    0.590601317    0.490306934    0.479196734
1    1993    0.708316766    0.97180118    0.40444494
1    1994    0.587700824    0.442869206    0.399139847
1    1995    0.092595406    0.475633824    0.055023827
2    1990    0.995706082    0.356060781    0.242968298
2    1991    0.688079045    0.36475865    0.829626742
2    1992    0.564536023    0.219309875    0.59165049
2    1993    0.728154736    0.370715204    0.319482427
2    1994    0.972550408    0.331836688    0.495801468
2    1995    0.907903102    0.643605887    0.04147437
3    1990    0.666757644    0.604741524    0.892619352
3    1991    0.945322031    0.076470116    0.83826142
3    1992    0.262225766    0.622579231    0.738801605
3    1993    0.14160545    0.420033382    0.883489729
3    1994    0.674649086    0.287176323    0.798404419
3    1995    0.462505639    0.782454944    0.206593929
4    1990    0.103318329    0.860360564    0.384564281
4    1991    0.892686701    0.387916868    0.911908676
4    1992    0.23782402    0.403880512    0.962117085
4    1993    0.733468764    0.376152156    0.237543589
4    1994    0.925702313    0.438672271    0.103990407
4    1995    0.309275933    0.771466795    0.119082256
Suppose we run the following model:

bayes, rseed(12345) : reg y x1 x2 i.year
The results we get are:

Bayesian linear regression                       MCMC iterations  =     12,500
Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings sampling         Burn-in          =      2,500
                                                 MCMC sample size =     10,000
                                                 Number of obs    =         24
                                                 Acceptance rate  =       .327
                                                 Efficiency:  min =    .003156
                                                              avg =    .006709
Log marginal likelihood = -74.144851                          max =     .02003
             |                                                Equal-tailed
             |      Mean   Std. Dev.     MCSE     Median  [95% Cred. Interval]
y            |
          x1 |  .0390891   .1586424   .025329   .0357585  -.2741725   .3541185
          x2 | -.3099317   .2938798   .039644  -.3094318  -.8912901   .2766925
          id |
          2  |  .2899881   .1213703   .021604   .2966582   .0641597   .5389639
          3  |   .055742   .1603441   .022674   .0559719  -.2698375   .3579688
          4  | -.0549487   .1484017   .016786  -.0567729  -.3385171   .2308046
        year |
       1991  |  .2982491   .1879188   .026803   .3004807  -.1168325   .6647947
       1992  | -.1464675   .1949344   .020653  -.1421357  -.5566844    .232561
       1993  | -.0215075   .1920174   .031623  -.0132725  -.4371793   .3662122
       1994  |  .1843418   .1978521   .020934    .188863  -.2352899   .5520474
       1995  | -.2889066   .2437549    .03487  -.2840871  -.7785481   .1575815
       _cons |  .6705034   .2512025   .040967   .6678414   .1940561   1.183284
      sigma2 |  .0759295   .0308258   .002178   .0698249   .0363304   .1570932
Is it possible to show (or save) only the results for x1 and x2? It appears that estimates table does not work with Bayes.

Thank you.