Hi Statlist,

I have the following mini dataset
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float Year double(recalled_class_one recalled_class_two)
2004  6  38
2005  2  86
2006  9  48
2007  3  65
2008  4 102
2009 10 117
2010  7 128
2011 21 193
2012 15 143
2013 20 188
2014 31 163
2015 19 138
and would like to reproduce (of course with my numbers) the following graphic of which I give the url since it seems that I am not able to properly upload the image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_r..._in_the_US.jpg

So I would like basically, given my data, to put on the x-axis all years (from 2004 to 2015) and on the y-axis the number of recalls. The resulting graphic should be a "double histogram" where histogram of a color indicates recall of class one for a year and the other color recalls of class two in that same year.
Is it possible? If so, can you also give me a good reference to study how to build graphics in STATA?

Thank you very much,
