First I just want to say that I am learning Stata, so forgive me if I'm missing something that is seemingly obvious.
I am using survey data in my analysis for my dissertation, and I am trying to run the svy command with a subpop() and mlogit. Most of the variables in my model are categorical and some are continuous, so I am including the categorical variables as factor variables because I would also like to get the marginal effects for each level of these variables. However, when I try to run the mlogit, Stata acts as if it is running it, but it doesn't produce anything and doesn't give me an error, no matter how long I leave it to run. My dataset isn't huge, and most other commands run within a few seconds. What am I doing wrong? Below is the log with the code that I'm using. Stata just says that is is running mlogit on the estimation sample and then stops.
. use "C:\Users\Jpapa\Desktop\MEPS data SAS\masterdata", clear
. /*Ch 2 multinomial logistic regression*/
. svyset psuann [pweight=saqweight], strata(stratann) vce(linearized) singleunit(scaled)
pweight: saqweight
VCE: linearized
Single unit: scaled
Strata 1: stratann
SU 1: psuann
FPC 1: <zero>
. /*mlogit for SPD*/
. svy linearized, subpop(SPD): mlogit insstat i.yearind i.sex i.race i.hispyn i.region i.married
> i.education i.empstat i.natstat c.pcs c.mcs i.povcat c.ftotval, baseoutcome(1)
(running mlogit on estimation sample)
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