Hi Statalisters.

I am trying to incorporate key results from 5 model runs into a summary table using esttab. While all the values carry over well, all the variable names (most of which apply to categorical variables) fall off (although they exist in the standard Stata output). Also the information for each model run does not fit nicely into distinct columns. Here's my code:

reg rel ib0.i.mat, noconstant
estimates store S1

reg rel ib0.i.mat ib0.i.age, noconstant
estimates store S2

reg rel ib0.i.mat ib0.i.age i.gen i.inc, noconstant
estimates store S3

reg rel ib0.i.mat ib0.i.age i.gen i.inc ib0.i.ed, noconstant
estimates store S4

reg rel ib0.i.mat ib0.i.age i.gen i.inc ib0.i.ed ib0.i.rel, noconstant
estimates store S5

esttab S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

I would really appreciate any assistance with this.