Dear colleagues.

For various data-release/red-tape reasons, I have been given a Stata dataset (wide format) with the variable labels included in a separate variable list in excel (e.g. segment of excel table below).

Does anyone know an efficient way or coding to link/transfer these label 'Descriptions' from the below excel sheet into the Stata dataset (according to the variable names) - without having to go through and label each one individually. The VariableID below is equivalently named in the Stata dataset (but the variables just don't have the labels or 'description' in the Stata dataset).

Many thanks in advance,
VariableID Description
1 RI_REC_ID Release ID
2 HIP3_4HC Measured hip circumference: Mean of three measurements in cms (4HC)
3 HIP2_4HC Measured hip circumference in cms (4HC)
4 HIP1_4HC Measured hip circumference in cms (4HC)
5 HC3DATE_DECDAYS* Date of third health check (3HC) (as decimal)
6 HLTHCHK3 Participant attended 3HC? 1=yes, 2=no(3HC)