Laptop output: Array
Workstation output: Array
Here is the code that produces the figure (the same code was executed on both machines from identical datasets):
qui sum frac_alldwnlds graph bar /// frac_alldwnlds, over(ep, sort(frac_alldwnlds) desc label(alt tick)) /// title("All Downloads of Kids Considered") /// subtitle("Each episode's share of 6,833 downloads") /// ytitle("Percent (%)") ylabel(0(2)10, glp(dot) glc(grey) angle(horizontal)) /// yline(`r(mean)', lpattern(dash)) /// lintensity(*-255) name(frac_alldwnlds, replace) graphr(c(white)) graph export "$figs\frac_alldwnlds.png", as(png) width(1200) replace
NOTE: I reduced the size of the attached PNG files using Paint in Windowsm so they are no longer identical quality. The pictures that are actually output from Stata ARE of identical quality. The only difference is the grid, which can be seen clearly in the attached images.
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